Package-level declarations
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Creates a new instance of FontSizeInPixels with the given value.
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fun KeyModifiers(altDown: Boolean = false, metaDown: Boolean = false, shiftDown: Boolean = false, controlDown: Boolean = false, altGraphDown: Boolean = false): KeyModifiers
fun KeyModifiers(altDown: Boolean = false, metaDown: Boolean = false, shiftDown: Boolean = false, controlDown: Boolean = false, altGraphDown: Boolean = false): KeyModifiers
Creates a new instance of KeyModifiers with the given parameters.
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fun MouseModifiers(primaryButtonDown: Boolean = false, middleButtonDown: Boolean = false, secondaryButtonDown: Boolean = false): MouseModifiers
fun MouseModifiers(primaryButtonDown: Boolean = false, middleButtonDown: Boolean = false, secondaryButtonDown: Boolean = false): MouseModifiers
Creates a new instance of MouseModifiers with the given parameters.
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Creates a new instance of Rect with the given parameters.
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fun TouchPoint(id: Int, state: TouchPoint.State, positionInScreen: Point, positionInWidget: Point = Point.empty(), force: Float = 0.0f, radiusX: Float = 0.0f, radiusY: Float = 0.0f, rotationAngle: Float = 0.0f): TouchPoint
fun TouchPoint(id: Int, state: TouchPoint.State, positionInScreen: Point, positionInWidget: Point = Point.empty(), force: Float = 0.0f, radiusX: Float = 0.0f, radiusY: Float = 0.0f, rotationAngle: Float = 0.0f): TouchPoint
Creates a new instance of TouchPoint with the given parameters.