
public final class EngineKt
public final class EngineKt


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private final static CookieStore cookieStore
private final static CookieStore cookieStore

A store that allows managing cookies.

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private final static Downloads downloads
private final static Downloads downloads

A service that allows managing downloads.

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private final static HttpAuthCache httpAuthCache
private final static HttpAuthCache httpAuthCache

A service for working with HTTP authentication cache.

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private final static HttpCache httpCache
private final static HttpCache httpCache

A service for working with HTTP cache.

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private final static JxBrowserLicense license
private final static JxBrowserLicense license

Returns a license that was used to create this Engine.

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private final static MediaDevices mediaDevices
private final static MediaDevices mediaDevices

A service that allows managing media stream devices.

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private final static Network network
private final static Network network

A service that allows working with network.

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private final static EngineOptions options
private final static EngineOptions options

Returns options of this Engine.

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private final static Permissions permissions
private final static Permissions permissions

A service that allows managing permissions.

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private final static Plugins plugins
private final static Plugins plugins

A service that allows configuring plugins.

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private final static Profiles profiles
private final static Profiles profiles

A service for managing profiles.

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private final static Proxy proxy
private final static Proxy proxy

A service that allows working with proxy.

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private final static SpellChecker spellChecker
private final static SpellChecker spellChecker

A service that allows working with spell checking functionality.

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private final static ZoomLevels zoomLevels
private final static ZoomLevels zoomLevels

A service that allows working with zoom.


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public final static Engine Engine(EngineOptions options)
public final static Engine Engine(EngineOptions options)

Creates a new instance of Engine with the given options.

public final static Engine Engine(RenderingMode renderingMode, Function1<OptionsDsl, Unit> configuration)
public final static Engine Engine(RenderingMode renderingMode, Function1<OptionsDsl, Unit> configuration)

Creates a new instance of Engine with the given renderingMode and configuration.

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public final CookieStore getCookieStore()
public final CookieStore getCookieStore()
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public final Downloads getDownloads()
public final Downloads getDownloads()
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public final HttpCache getHttpCache()
public final HttpCache getHttpCache()
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public final Network getNetwork()
public final Network getNetwork()
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public final EngineOptions getOptions()
public final EngineOptions getOptions()
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public final Permissions getPermissions()
public final Permissions getPermissions()
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public final Plugins getPlugins()
public final Plugins getPlugins()
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public final Profiles getProfiles()
public final Profiles getProfiles()
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public final Proxy getProxy()
public final Proxy getProxy()
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public final ZoomLevels getZoomLevels()
public final ZoomLevels getZoomLevels()