Package-level declarations
Contains the implementations of the callbacks that display the SWT UI dialogs.
Contains the implementations of the callbacks that display the SWT UI dialogs.
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The default AlertCallback implementation that shows a dialog when JavaScript alert dialog should be displayed.
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public final class DefaultBeforeFormRepostCallback extends DefaultCallback implements BeforeFormRepostCallback
public final class DefaultBeforeFormRepostCallback extends DefaultCallback implements BeforeFormRepostCallback
The default BeforeFormRepostCallback implementation that shows a dialog when a web page with POST data is going to be reloaded.
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public final class DefaultBeforeUnloadCallback extends DefaultCallback implements BeforeUnloadCallback
public final class DefaultBeforeUnloadCallback extends DefaultCallback implements BeforeUnloadCallback
The default BeforeUnloadCallback implementation that shows a dialog when the web page is about to be unloaded.
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An abstract base for all the default SWT callback implementations.
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The default ConfirmCallback implementation that shows a dialog when JavaScript confirm dialog should be displayed.
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public class DefaultOpenExtensionActionPopupCallback extends OpenBrowserPopupCallback implements OpenExtensionActionPopupCallback
public class DefaultOpenExtensionActionPopupCallback extends OpenBrowserPopupCallback implements OpenExtensionActionPopupCallback
The default OpenExtensionActionPopupCallback implementation that shows a new window with the content of the extension action popup.
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public class DefaultOpenExtensionPopupCallback extends OpenBrowserPopupCallback implements OpenExtensionPopupCallback
public class DefaultOpenExtensionPopupCallback extends OpenBrowserPopupCallback implements OpenExtensionPopupCallback
The default OpenExtensionPopupCallback implementation that creates and shows a new window with the embedded popup browser.
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public final class DefaultOpenExternalAppCallback extends DefaultCallback implements OpenExternalAppCallback
public final class DefaultOpenExternalAppCallback extends DefaultCallback implements OpenExternalAppCallback
The default OpenExternalAppCallback implementation that shows a dialog when the web page wants to open a link of specific type in the associated external application.
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The default OpenFileCallback implementation that shows a file chooser dialog when the engine requests to open a file.
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The default OpenFilesCallback implementation that shows a file chooser dialog when the engine requests to open multiple files.
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The default OpenFolderCallback implementation that shows a file chooser dialog when the engine requests to open a folder.
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public final class DefaultOpenPopupCallback extends OpenBrowserPopupCallback implements OpenPopupCallback
public final class DefaultOpenPopupCallback extends OpenBrowserPopupCallback implements OpenPopupCallback
The default OpenPopupCallback implementation that creates and shows a new window with the embedded popup browser.
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The default PrintCallback implementation that allows the engine to show the print preview dialog.
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The default PromptCallback implementation that shows a dialog when JavaScript prompt dialog should be displayed.
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public final class DefaultRequestPdfDocumentPasswordCallback extends DefaultCallback implements RequestPdfDocumentPasswordCallback
public final class DefaultRequestPdfDocumentPasswordCallback extends DefaultCallback implements RequestPdfDocumentPasswordCallback
The default RequestPdfDocumentPasswordCallback implementation that shows the PDF viewer password dialog.
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The default SaveAsPdfCallback implementation that shows a file chooser dialog when the engine requests to save content as PDF.
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public final class DefaultSaveCreditCardCallback extends DefaultCallback implements SaveCreditCardCallback
public final class DefaultSaveCreditCardCallback extends DefaultCallback implements SaveCreditCardCallback
The default SaveCreditCardCallback implementation that shows a bubble that allows the user to save a credit card.
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The default SaveFileCallback implementation that shows a file chooser dialog when the engine requests to save a file.
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public final class DefaultSavePasswordCallback extends DefaultCallback implements SavePasswordCallback
public final class DefaultSavePasswordCallback extends DefaultCallback implements SavePasswordCallback
The default SavePasswordCallback implementation that shows a bubble that allows the user to save a password in the password store.
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public final class DefaultSaveUserDataProfileCallback extends DefaultCallback implements SaveUserDataProfileCallback
public final class DefaultSaveUserDataProfileCallback extends DefaultCallback implements SaveUserDataProfileCallback
The default SaveUserDataProfileCallback implementation that shows a bubble that allows the user to save the user data profile: city, state, street, zip code, email address, etc.
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public final class DefaultSelectClientCertificateCallback extends DefaultCallback implements SelectClientCertificateCallback
public final class DefaultSelectClientCertificateCallback extends DefaultCallback implements SelectClientCertificateCallback
The default SelectClientCertificateCallback implementation that shows a dialog that allows the user to select a certificate from the certificate list passed to the callback.
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public final class DefaultSelectColorCallback extends DefaultCallback implements SelectColorCallback
public final class DefaultSelectColorCallback extends DefaultCallback implements SelectColorCallback
The default SelectColorCallback implementation that shows a color chooser dialog when the user clicks an
<input type='color'>
HTML5 element.Link copied to clipboard
public final class DefaultShowContextMenuCallback extends DefaultCallback implements ShowContextMenuCallback
public final class DefaultShowContextMenuCallback extends DefaultCallback implements ShowContextMenuCallback
The default ShowContextMenuCallback implementation that displays the context menu on the loaded web page.
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The default StartCaptureSessionCallback implementation that shows the capture source picker dialog.
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public final class DefaultStartDownloadCallback extends DefaultCallback implements StartDownloadCallback
public final class DefaultStartDownloadCallback extends DefaultCallback implements StartDownloadCallback
The default StartDownloadCallback implementation that shows a file chooser dialog when engine requests to download a file.
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public final class DefaultUpdatePasswordCallback extends DefaultCallback implements UpdatePasswordCallback
public final class DefaultUpdatePasswordCallback extends DefaultCallback implements UpdatePasswordCallback
The default UpdatePasswordCallback implementation that shows a bubble that allows the user to update a password in the password store.
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public final class DefaultUpdateUserDataProfileCallback extends DefaultCallback implements UpdateUserDataProfileCallback
public final class DefaultUpdateUserDataProfileCallback extends DefaultCallback implements UpdateUserDataProfileCallback
The default UpdateUserDataProfileCallback implementation that shows a bubble that allows the user to update the user data profile: city, state, street, zip code, email address, etc.